Sugar free ME

THERE SEEMS TO BE ADDED SUGAR ON EVERY INGREDIENT LABEL I READ! So learning a bit more about this thing called ‘sugar’ has prompted me to say goodbye to it. Since the first of the year I have avoided it. Most processed foods have also left the building. Oh my, I am not deprived. Try melting coconut oil and adding cocoa powder, a bit of honey and vanilla. After refrigerating you have delicious sugar free candy. Recipes on the Internet for my new type of eating are endless. I am also saying goodbye to a pound a week. Time will tell how my body will react. I am hoping the body aches in muscles and joints diminish. Time will tell.

Etsy In A Nutshell

Etsy In A Nutshell

‘Every day you make progress. Every step maybe fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path. You know you will never get to the end of the journey. But this, so far from discouraging, only adds to the JOY and glory of the climb.’ Sir Winston Churchill


The Aim of Education …..

Is the knowledge NOT of facts but of values.’
By Dean William Ralph Inge


I am a Midwestern gal, born and raised in Minnesota territory. We are pretty much ”nice’ folks. We take pride in our manners, opening doors for others, letting people in line before us, etc. We are respectful, not too huggy feely, but we LOVE family fiercely, and we take VALUES very seriously. Maybe that’s why the quote above is so meaningful to me. Thought I would share it with anyone visiting.

A Journey each day….


Through origami…through creativity….through imagination ….through dreaming. I am 69 and still dreaming. Never never never too old. The mind is a bliss filled playground.

‘Be quick, but don’t be in a hurry


…..Failure to prepare is preparing to fail.
The purpose of discipline isn’t to punish, but to correct.
Do not mistake activity for achievement.
If I am through learning, I am through.
Make each day your Masterpiece.’
From the Pyramid of Success by Coach
John Wooden

“Whatever you are…be a good one.”


I open the door……


….the gorgeous guest from afar sweeps in. In her hands are her gifts … The gifts of hours and farseeing moments, the gifts of mornings and evenings, the gift of spring and summer, the gift of autumn and winter. She must have searched the heavens for boons so rare. By Abbie Graham

Blie Canyon


Turns gray. Rim Fire invasion.

Looking for the birth of a new idea!!


‘the tragedy of life…..


….is not so much what men suffer, but what they miss.’ Thomas Carlyle
NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER miss the opportunity to enjoy your grandchildren, children, whatever you love. Keep your eyes open, don’t miss something special. Life is fleeting.

How Simple and Frugal A Thing is Happiness:


…..a glass of wine, a roast chestnut, a wretched little brazier, the sound of the sea … All that is required to feel that here and now is happiness, is a simple, frugal heart.’. By Nikos Kazantzakis
A family of six, a Boston family for almost 18 years or so, MY family, my 4 dear grandkids, …. A long flight across the country to see them twice a year! This is the year, 2013, of changes for our family and theirs. A job shift has brought that dear family to the west, to Portland, a skip and a jump of a flight from here. But, i am driving the 8 hour drive to see them all in less than a week. Their goods will arrive and the boys will start a brand new school. And this proud grama has been asked to help with the twin girls! This thing called ‘happiness’ is visiting my frugal heart! And I am a frequent visitor!!

A thousand words could not describe the beauty of this morning!!


Making Kusudama Flowers


An every day occurance now….folding petals..gluing petals together…making kusudama flowers for wedding bouquets. Very busy!!!

And you will be a man…..

06/08/2013 1 comment


… son. Funny thing is, he had no daddy since the tender age of 10. A tragic accident took his dad away. The entire family struggled with this one. I have spoken of this before. A sapling into a strong tree, a baby into a graduate of high school, an innocent soul into a searching teen. He proclaimed that knowledge was not the key to success, he bragged that book learning was unnecessary, he lived life on the cusp of adventure, he’s had his share of trouble, but never taking responsibility for it. He is sharp, buff, handsome, and very dear to my soul. He is my first born grandchild. And now he is a man, stronger than we know. After all he WAS his father’s son, and will always be under the wings of a family who loves him. good luck grandson number 1. We will always be here for you!!!